Phoenix Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor

Inventory of Blood Pressure Measurement Methods

Under Construction



In 1970, Lawrence A. Geddes published a summary of blood pressure measurement techniques. Geddes inventory forms a baseline for the Phoenix project. The methods are listed below. Follow the link for an overview.

Geddes Inventory of Blood Pressure Measurement Methods

  1. Direct Measurement of Blood Pressure
    1. Mechanical Systems
    2. Mechano-Optical Systems
    3. Electrolytic Systems
    4. Electro-Optical Systems
    5. Capacitance Manometers
    6. Strain-Gauge Manometers
    7. Inductive Manometers
    8. Mechano-Electronic Tube Manometers
  2. Indirect Measurement of Blood Pressure
    1. Palpatory Method
    2. Flush Method
    3. Oscillometric Method
    4. Auscultatory Method
    5. Ultrasound Kinetoarteriography


Direct Blood Pressure Measurement


Indirect Blood Pressure Measurement






See Also


About This Page

This page is maintained by Christopher J. Adams.
It was last updated 30 December 2013.

Copyright (c) 2013 Christopher J. Adams
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

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